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H5mag releases version 2.11.10

Release date: July 8, 2020

What's new in version 2.11.10

  • When uploading a non-transparent PNG, the editor will give a notice that using a JPG image could be a better choice. The asset list will also allow you to create a JPG from the uploaded PNG.

  • The article tree will now indicate which users are editing an article.

  • Fixed an issue where the editor would not show paddings and margins in the correct size when holding Alt/Option

  • Fixed an issue where the Aleo and Lato fonts would not be correctly installed in new projects.

  • Removed the option to set columns in the Print view.

  • Fixed an issue where preset Styles would not be correctly applied to text and header areas when split.

  • Fixed an issue where content could be hidden behind the bleed if the scrollable area was set to a direct child of the article instead of the article itself.

  • The scale effect on hover is no longer applied in the editor.

  • The scale effect on hover now works correctly with animations.

  • Fixed an issue where a user could keep an article locked for a long time when closing the browser while editing an article.