H5mag releases version 2.12.5
Release date: September 10, 2021
What's new in version 2.12.5
When creating an edition export, used fonts will now be included and imported in the target project (except those added using TypeKit).
The upload asset function has been update in security, not allowing a lot of files anymore.
The 'Support' link in the Editor now opens a popup where you can request support instead of directly opening your mail-client.
A new 'Animate after video' option has been added to start animations after a video which was uploaded to H5mag has finished playing.
Added a `Website Mode` checkmark in the Navigation tab of the Edition Settings. This allows you to disable swipe & keyboard navigation in the magazine.
Updated the notification you see when custom HTML or classes are set in a text or heading area to be a little more user friendly.
Added the option to keep content centered when resizing artboards.
The option to export published editions for self-hosting has been enabled for all users.
Fixed an issue where the `Download Archive` popup would not close correctly.
Fixed an issue where the edition overview would not render corectly in Protrait or Mobile views.
Fixed an issue where uploaded video's didn't stop playing when navigating away from the page.
Fixed an issue where sharing a single page with the comment view would still allow you to browse through the magazine.